Yes, that's snow in the background. We still have lots.
I thought I would take one last picture outside in the snow,
before the rest of it melts.
Even though we're all pretty sick of winter,
I love how photos look with snow in the background, so crisp and white!
I've been working on bottled rainbows all week.
I decided to make them a little smaller (these measure 10 3/4 inches square),
because I already had a stack of batting cut into 11 inch squares,
for a project I started several years ago.
(It's amazing what you find when you clean out your sewing space!)
This project is going to be a wall hanging for my sewing space,
so I don't want it to get too big.
Still working on these rainbow scrap pennant blocks, too.
I haven't made any more, but I did FMQ the white portions in a small meandering design. These are a bit of work to piece together, but quilting them is fun.
I'll need A LOT more, though -- as this is headed for a quilt for Lexi's bed.
She LOVES rainbows.
My biggest work in progress has been cleaning up and organizing my sewing space. Here's a sneak peak of some progress:
I had this crazy idea that in order to completely organize everything,
I needed more pincushions.
It would be IMPOSSIBLE to organize my pins without new pincushions, right?!
These are Heather Bailey's Square Deal pincushions, free pattern found here.
Making these was a bit frustrating.
The button drove me nuts -- I used a "no tools" kit for this, which made me see very clearly that I do need a button making tool -- I'm assuming these exist?!
And trying to pull ribbon through the center of the pincushion was a crazy idea,
even with a pliers and "some patient wiggling" as the pattern suggests.
But anyway, I'm happy to have them done,
and I think they look pretty cute on the shelf.
Hopefully I'll finish up the re-organization tomorrow!
I've made very little progress this week on my double hourglass (hand quilting)
or the paper pieced goldfish in bags.
But once I get the sewing space done, it's back to work on these WIPs!
or the paper pieced goldfish in bags.
But once I get the sewing space done, it's back to work on these WIPs!
Have fun checking out other WIPs here: