
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

WIP Wednesday, 8/29/12

Happy WIP Wednesday!

I have found that summer is not my most productive season for quilting.
Summer in Minnesota is short;
we spend every possible moment enjoying the pool,
the parks, and our backyard!
While I'll really miss the kids after they start school
(the Tuesday after Labor day),
I'm giddy thinking about a whole day to myself to sew!

Here's what I have finished recently: 
a Baby Quilt for my cousin's new baby
(9 blocks of wonky stars, using this tutorial)
My helper, Holly--
she loved helping me lay out the design!
She also requested that we make a fish
to go with the quilt,
but this didn't go so well.
I just couldn't figure out how to get the tail to look right!

Another "Read" Library Tote,
pattern available here.
I need to make a few more of these!
Each of my girls has requested one,
 along with a friend with twin girls, too.
Luckily the letters are really fun to paper piece!

I'm close to finishing up these projects:
Asterisk Quilt
(tutorial for the scrappy asterisks is here)
This was my choice for my last month as "quilter"
for the Peace Circle of do. Good Stitches.
I quilted this with FMQ loops,
but still need to sew on the binding.

I'm working on pattern testing a bag for a friend -- 
more to come on this project soon!

Just started project:
Vintage Holiday QAL with Fabric Mutt
I've finished 2 blocks so far, and they were QUICK!
The QAL is officially on blocks 7 & 8 (out of 12, yikes!),
but I don't think it will take too long to catch up.
These are such fun blocks to make!
I'm using red & green fabrics
that aren't necessarily "Christmas" fabrics,
with grey seeds from FMF
for the ornament tops and binding.