
Monday, July 22, 2013

A Summer Project

 During the early part of the summer I decided that it was time to put my 2 inch squares to use.  I've been cutting smaller scraps into 2 inch squares for a long time (?years)!
I don't think I've ever made a truly "scrappy" quilt.  But last year when I was walking into the Creative Activities Building at the State Fairgrounds, a quilter was parked at the door asking people if their quilts contained more than 40 different fabrics -- there is a category for this type of quilt at the Minnesota State Fair!  So I've been thinking about this for the past year, and came up with a summer project for my girls:

Granny Square Blocks!
This is how I first got them started making blocks -- on a grid, rows of 1, 3, 5, 3, 1.

 They quickly caught on, and have been creating blocks like crazy.  They just won't stop!   My original thought was to have us each make one square per day, so that by the end of the summer we'd have enough for a quilt.  But I laugh now as I think about this plan -- it's no fun!  Much better to just go for it and design blocks to your heart's content.  It's just hard to keep up with my little artists!  I can have the design board all cleared off in the evening, with a bunch of new blocks made, and they'll fill it up again in no time!

 These blocks are all trimmed to size at 7 inches square.   I'm planning to sash them with 2 inch sashing.
Loving this summer project!
Now I'm off to sew!

Monday, July 1, 2013

City Sampler Blocks 16, 17 & 18

Block No. 16
Block No. 17
I think this is my favorite block so far!
Block No. 18 
I really like how it's coming together!
(Fabrics: Sugar Pop by Liz Scott for Moda, Kona snow)
Linking up to SewSweetness.