My Grandma's 90th Birthday is November 1st, and I wanted to do something really special for her. She has been one of my favorite people for a long time -- she used to fix the holes in my worn out teddy bear, over and over. She always choose the Old Maid card that my brother and I wanted to get rid of. And I still wish that she could make me a peanut butter sandwich every night for a bedtime snack, like she used to do when I slept over at her house.
She makes the best peanut butter sandwiches, ever.
She makes the best peanut butter sandwiches, ever.
When my Grandpa turned 90 years old a couple of years ago,
my brother and cousins presented him with 90 bottles of beer.
You should have seen the huge smile!
my brother and cousins presented him with 90 bottles of beer.
You should have seen the huge smile!
So I wanted to do something equally amazing,
and maybe even better, for Grandma.
and maybe even better, for Grandma.
So here it is . . . . 90 quilt squares!
After I read about the Farmer's Wife Quilt Along starting up,
I knew that this group of blocks would be perfect.
My Grandma wasn't a Farmer's Wife, but she was a farmer's daughter!
I knew that this group of blocks would be perfect.
My Grandma wasn't a Farmer's Wife, but she was a farmer's daughter!
I started making the blocks this past summer, but quickly realized that I would need (LOTS) of help if I was going to finish it in time.
So I invited my mom, aunt, and uncle over for some quilting parties!
They're not technically quilters, but my mom and aunt have done some sewing, and my uncle is a mathematician & painter, with a good eye for design and color.
We spent most of our Tuesdays together for the past 2 months -- they'd arrive right after I dropped the kids off at school, and we'd sew for hours and hours.
Most of the blocks are paper pieced -- and my quilting helpers did ALL of the tearing the paper off the backs for me -- how wonderful!
Most of the blocks are paper pieced -- and my quilting helpers did ALL of the tearing the paper off the backs for me -- how wonderful!
We had so much fun together, that I've joked that we need to decide who to make a quilt for next -- we make a great team!
We had a hard time deciding on a layout for the 90 blocks,
because a simple square design of 9 x 10 blocks seemed too plain.
because a simple square design of 9 x 10 blocks seemed too plain.
And I wanted to make it large enough to fit a double/queen sized bed.
One day we just started laying out our blocks on a huge piece of white fabric,
and this design was born!
and this design was born!
For the blocks set on point, I cut a 5 1/2 inch square on the diagonal,
then sewed these triangles on all four sides.
For the squared up blocks, I added 2 1/2 inch sashing to all 4 sides.
All blocks were then squared up to 9 inches.
There is another 2 1/2 inch border around the very edge of the quilt.
The fabrics are Kona Snow and Moda Sugar Pop.
I free motion quilted this myself,
using a fairly small meandering type pattern throughout the solid snow fabric.
I love how it makes the blocks pop!
The batting is Warm and White, and the back is a collection of left over pieces.
She loved it!
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