Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Works in Progress, 4.4.12

Most of my projects this week have involved curves.
Lots of curves.
But it's been fun!
 A start on New York Beauty, Block 4

 My first Retro Flowers block -- LOVE it!
 I'm planning to do 12 more blocks . . . 
with a mix of fabrics . . .
flea market fancy, good folks, and we'll see what else jumps in.
The next 4, all ready to go!
 This year I'm making Easter Capes for my girls,
at least I hope to get them done in time for Easter!
  My furry friend had other ideas today, though!
In Minnesota, in April,
it's often too cool outside for the cute
Easter dresses that my little girls love.
Oliver & S red riding hood capes to the rescue!
I'm planning to make them in bright spring colors,
with a soft cozy lining,
so that my little ones don't freeze while hunting for eggs.
I think they'll be fun for playing dress up for years to come, too!

Happy Wednesday, everyone!
Linking up to:
WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced


  1. Love those retro flower blocks and your newyork beauty block is beautiful! I really need to make one of those for a pillow at least :)

  2. Love your NYB blocks - wow. And what a fun idea to do the capes - good luck finishing those up!

  3. I adore your NY Beauty!!!! So gorgeous!! You sure have conquered curves, good for you :)

  4. love your blocks Michelle....such bright spring color going on...nice job. good luck with the capes...I'm no clothing The fabric you chose should look very nice.

  5. I love your retro flower blocks! Isn't it a great pattern? I'm having so much fun with it!

  6. Can't wait to see how the capes work out! It's been close to 90 degrees here this week, so I can't imagine needing to bundle up for the Easter egg hunts!

    Your NY Beauty is incredible! Love the KJR. :) You're making me want to sew up some Retro Flowers blocks!

  7. Love all your curve awesomeness this week! Your retro flowers blocks look just amazing, your quilt will be stunning with those fabrics! Your NY blocks are just out of this world, good luck with the capes, sounds like fun!!

  8. Yay for NYBs and retro flowers. I'm waiting for the fabric for my retro flowers to arrive, hopefully tomorrow!

    The capes sound like a great idea, hope your furry friend co-operates...

  9. Love your NYB block! I've started some retro flowers as well. They turn out so cute.

  10. Beautiful blocks! I'm hoping to start me retro flowers soon :)

  11. Your blocks look great! They are going to make beautiful quilts. Don't you love how cats try to "help" out?!?

  12. The retro flowers are adorable - yay for fun curves! :)

  13. Beautiful NYB blocks! I love the colors you chose! Can't wait to see the capes, good luck getting them done by Easter!

  14. Your Retro Flowers Blocks are very pretty! I love your choice of fabric!

  15. Love your cape plan for your girls. I remember those days. You could never tell about the Easter temperature but all the dresses assumed that it was warm. I hope you post pictures when they are complete.

  16. I love the retro flower blocks! Such great fabrics for that pattern :)

  17. Your NYB and retro floweres blocks are stunning!

  18. Oh man, so many curves. Love them!!!!

  19. love the retro flower blocks! Genius idea for the capes! I can't wait to see the finished product.

  20. Fabulous idea with the capes! Can't wait to see 'em! And your curves are just gorgeous. Happy WIP Wednesday!

  21. I love the idea for the capes!
